Most people recognize whether they have a high or low self-esteem. But what is self-esteem exactly and how does it impact our everyday life?Self-esteem is the degree to which we feel worthy, valuable and confident, and these feelings or beliefs greatly affect our well-being and social interactions. … [Read more...]
3 Great Phone Apps to Help Improve Self Esteem
People who struggle with low self-esteem often hold themselves back from making intimate connections with others and reaching their most desired goals. Luckily, technology is making it easier for these people to give their self-esteem a boost.Here are 3 great phone apps that can help you improve … [Read more...]
Let’s Talk
I shared this last year on#BellLetsTalk day and I think it bears repeating. 1 in 5 Canadians will be impacted by mental health concerns. Being a counsellor/mental health professional doesn't somehow immunize me from mental illness. This is my story... ...When I began working … [Read more...]
Peppa Pig to the Rescue
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