With the holidays upon us, it can be all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and busy-ness and forget to engage in the wonder and delight of the season. Stressors like travel, wrapping up projects at work and school, overeating, endless engagements, shopping, and difficult family … [Read more...]
Let’s Talk
I shared this last year on#BellLetsTalk day and I think it bears repeating. 1 in 5 Canadians will be impacted by mental health concerns. Being a counsellor/mental health professional doesn't somehow immunize me from mental illness. This is my story... ...When I began working … [Read more...]
Letting Go of Holiday Pressures
It’s that time of the year again…lights sparkling in the neighbourhood, rosy-cheeked children laughing and clapping at the Santa Claus Parade, a festive sleigh ride then going home to a roaring fire, eggnog, and the family dog napping at the foot of the ideal Christmas tree. So … [Read more...]